Who is Ian?

That is a really good question, actually. What the hell am I supposed to put here?

I’ll be honest, this is probably the hardest thing I have had to write. Books? Easy. Blogs? Easy. Emails to acquaintances declining their dubious reverse-funnel “opportunity? A breeze. Writing two paragraphs telling you about myself? Well, I think you can tell.

To be brief, I am a nearly thirty-year-old white collar worker trying his best to write books he would want to read and to set a good example for his daughter. Most my ideas are cribbed from other, smarter people and I have only the most dubious of hopes that my work will measure up.

Whenever I am not writing or working I am probably playing video games (although if I am honest that sentence should probably be in reverse order) or relaxing with my family. Other past times including buying book sets from Humble Bundle I will never read or Udemy courses I won’t complete.

I hope you are here, reading this, because you have read whatever my most recent release is (yeah that’s right, I am absolutely not coming back to this page again, at least in the near future) and thoroughly enjoyed it. In the far more likely scenario you are here because you read something I wrote and felt a burning desire to know what the hell is wrong with me, welcome to the club.

I am glad you took the time to stop in and read more about me, no matter why you are here though.

(Some of) My Favorite Books


14 - Peter Clines

Super Powereds Series - Drew Hayes

The Fifth Elephant - Terry Pratchett

Snow Crash - Neal Stephenson


Flash Boys - Michael Lewis

Meditations - Marcus Aurelius

Atomic Habits - James Clear

The Obstacle is The Way - Ryan Holiday

The Fish that Ate the Whale - Rich Cohen

Extreme Ownership - Jocko Willink, Leif Babin